EC DAY 2015 – Sometimes life comes to solidarity

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In the Syrian conflict’s fifth year, millions of refugees are caught in alarmingly deteriorating conditions, facing an even bleaker future, as a result of what is described as the largest humanitarian crisis since the 1994 Rwanda genocide. In recent months, nearly half a million people have attempted the dangerous journey to Europe, mainly via Greece and Italy, to escape from brutal wars and sectarian conflicts in places like Syria, Afghanistan and regions in Africa. As Europe struggles to cope with the greatest number of displaced people since the 2nd World War, the Greek Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes and the “CBC GREECE-CYPRUS 2007-2013” Programme –as part of the EC DAY 2015 campaign- are collecting and donating drugs and medical supplies to support those refugees mostly in need of them. Our act not only promotes the Programme’s social sensitivity, but also demonstrates the role Territorial Cooperation can play – as far as possible – in dealing with social challenges.


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