Διαγωνισμός Φωτογραφίας: EUROPE IN MY REGION

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Get your camera ready – Your chance to win photo equipment for €1,000 and a trip to Brussels


The third annualEurope in My Region’ Photo Competition takes place this summer and once again aims to raise awareness of projects which have received funding as part of EU regional policy.

As before, the competition is run via the European Commission’s Facebook page. The competition is launched on June 12th and entries will be accepted until Monday 25 August 2014 (at noon).The 100 pictures with the highest amount of votes, plus up to 50 “wildcard” entries (that were not included in the 1st group with the highest votes), are put forward to a jury of 3 photography professionals who will select 3 winners.  The winners will receive their prizes – a trip to Brussels and €1 000 to spend on digital camera equipment –  during OPEN DAYS 2014 in October.

To get more visibility and shares, use the official hashtag of the competition whenever you share your entry on Facebook or Twitter: #EUmyRegion.


Link to the competition: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission/app_386310531430573

Twitter hashtag: #EUMyRegion

